Sulu creates a personal anti-acne daily skincare routine according to individual skin characteristics.
* You can select one of the hundreds of suitable skincare products from our list.
* You can take a picture or upload a screenshot of any skincare product. You don't have to look for the barcode.
* Sulu will recognize the product from a single image and show its suitability and prices.
* Suitable products can be added to the daily routine list.
* Add favorite skincare products to your wishlist.
* Give and get skincare as a gift with 100% accuracy.
* Instantly find out if the skincare matches you or not.
* Compare the prices of the products in the leading stores.
* Understand how your skin care product works. Sulu not only shows you the ingredients list but its functions and what these functions mean.
* No premium versions. All functionality is available to everyone. Sulu helps you to understand how your skincare works to keep your skin healthy and beautiful.
* You can select one of the hundreds of suitable skincare products from our list.
* You can take a picture or upload a screenshot of any skincare product. You don't have to look for the barcode.
* Sulu will recognize the product from a single image and show its suitability and prices.
* Suitable products can be added to the daily routine list.
* Add favorite skincare products to your wishlist.
* Give and get skincare as a gift with 100% accuracy.
* Instantly find out if the skincare matches you or not.
* Compare the prices of the products in the leading stores.
* Understand how your skin care product works. Sulu not only shows you the ingredients list but its functions and what these functions mean.
* No premium versions. All functionality is available to everyone. Sulu helps you to understand how your skincare works to keep your skin healthy and beautiful.
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