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Robb Mercer

About nfStuff

nfStuff App is focused on celebrating Newfoundland Culture.  

This release, we have included: Newfie Saying, Fact Of The Day, Information about something Newfoundland Labrador (a Town, a Receipe, a Newfoundland Celebrity), Joke Of The Day, Events, Birthday Shout Out, a Word Guess Game, Sketch, etc, etc.

For the Word Guess Game, the App keeps track of "Baymen", "Big Landers", "From Awayers", and "Townies" scores, and reports the previous days results. nfStuff App has easy to use Social Media Share functionality to share out the results from the previous day, along with your score. The categories include NL Towns, Slang, Celebs, Etc.

Turn on your device's ringer to listen to your device's "voice" try and pronounce Newfoundland Dialect words, saying, jokes. Enjoyable.

Each day the content displayed in the App is changed. Use the App's "Contact Us" to submit a Joke Of The Day, A Word Guess Word/Saying, or Something Newfoundland Labrador.  

ENJOY, me ducky!

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