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Zeroaddress Ltd

About zeroaddress

ZEROADDRESS is a unique vault solution to manage the distribution of your personal info with full transparency on how your info are getting shared.
Key functionalities:
→ share what you need to share (share your work email address and work address only with selected professional contacts )
→ personal info update transparent to all your contacts (for example a change of address or work email address) and always be up to date with your contacts
→ full or partial revocation of a share with a contact
→ dynamic tags allocation of your contacts: #friends #london #colleagues....
→ creation of QR code with your selected info: lost your cat post your QR code cell phone number only and just your zeroaddress ID, no full name
→ full audit of your incoming and outgoing shares and perosnal info access activity
→ geolocalisation activation on demand with selected contact(s)
→ share of your social media

Don’t give away your personal info, Zeroaddress it!

zeroaddress Screenshots