Wayve - Reveal. Chat. Connect. icon

Wayve - Reveal. Chat. Connect.

Wayve LLC
4.8 out of 5

About Wayve - Reveal. Chat. Connect.

Everyone starts out anonymous, including you! Wayve at friends, reveal their identities, and chat.

-Wayve at anonymous friends on your map!
-Wayve at specific friends from the Wayves page!
-A Wayve is temporary and lasts for *15 minutes* (When the Wayve expires, you go back to being anonymous.)

-When a Wayve is accepted, you and your friend can see each other on the map and chat!
-All Wayves must be accepted in order for them to become active

-In a Wayve, you can Chat!
-Chat with friends! (Chats last for *15 minutes*)
-Chats are automatically deleted when the Wayve expires

-Use the map to explore and connect with your friends in the area!

-View all of your Wayves real-time on the Wayves page

Add friends from your contacts or via their Wayve username in order to become friends on Wayve!
Everyone on YOUR map is YOUR confirmed friend!


By making everyone anonymous on the map, we empower you to be in charge of who you Wayve at! Your map, Your friends, Your terms.

NO TRACKING!!! We believe location sharing shouldn't be about tracking. It should be about communicating where you are in that moment. Wayve at friends, Reveal their identities, and Chat for bursts of time.

We care about you. At Wayve we know the best ideas come from our community. If you have any questions or ideas please let us know - We may integrate your ideas into Wayve!

Wayve - Reveal. Chat. Connect. Screenshots