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CliqRex Inc.
5.0 out of 5

About CliqRex


CliqRex is a recommendation engine that uses the power of AI plus the added benefit of your friends' ratings and reviews.

Find - Find new TV Shows, Movies, Podcasts, Books, and YouTube channels to enjoy. Discover what's trending on CliqRex or what your friends are enjoying.

Save - Save new recommendations to Up Next and organize items into folders

Enjoy - Use CliqRex to find and recall your next favorite items. You can also listen to Podcasts and watch YouTube channels directly in the app.

Share - Share your thoughts and favorite items with friends.


Ever get a show recommendation from a friend and can't remember what it was when you sat down to watch something? Do you have a list of movies in your Notes app and can't recall who made the suggestions? Do you feel overwhelmed with all the options on your streaming services? Have you ever forgotten what you were watching 3 months ago? We have! So, we made this app to solve these problems and it's been really fun to use.

Real Recs from Real Friends plus AI makes for better TV shows, movies, books, podcasts, and YouTube channels.


CliqRex is a free app that gives you REAL recommendations from those you trust the most, your friends. Plus we're adding AI to help with the REX. At the heart of this fun, cheeky, and social app are people-powered recommendations for TV shows, movies, podcasts, and books. Discover, share, and save recommendations, or REX, from your trusted community of friends, or CLIQ.

Our app is not for doom-scrolling, but rather it's a quick tool to empower your choice-making and strengthen your connection with friends.


Do you like the app and want to invest?
We're starting with TV Shows, Books, Movies, and Podcasts but plan to expand into other areas. Remember when Amazon was just for books? Yeh, like that!

Investment Information:

Instagram: @cliqrex
Twitter: @cliqrex

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