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Trainify Tennis Training


About Trainify Tennis Training

AI-Enabled Serve/Practice Volley Tracking and Performance Enhancement using proprietary algorithms.

Serve Analysis:

Our proprietary algorithms use real-time video to analyze each stage of the serve and identify /highlight common flaws in the posture and technique. We provide suggested exercises and recommendations to improve the reliability, velocity, and spin of the serve.

Practice Volley/Ball Machine.

We identify and analyze forehand and backhand tracking. We examine Grip, ready position and state, preparedness, drop, acceleration, swing path, contact and extension, and follow-through using proprietary algorithms validated by professional coaches and players. We help you identify the weakness and ways to improve to hit the perfect tennis forehand and backhand during the game.
This 'Premium' subscription allows users to record and upload a total of 5-hour videos per month for Serve Practice and Practice With Ball Machine.

Trainify Tennis Training Screenshots