GYENNO Technologies CO., LTD.
5.0 out of 5


GYENNO SCIENCE is committed to advancing medical development with emerging technologies and providing personalized medical services for Parkinson's patients.

GYENNO SCIENCE's self-developed auxiliary intelligent device - "SKYWALK BOLD", can collect gait characteristic signals through the built-in sensor module, and use the artificial intelligence-based FOG automatic recognition algorithm to identify abnormal gait in real time, and Automatically turn on the laser or rhythm assistance to help Parkinson's patients effectively release the freezing state, thereby improving the quality of life of Parkinson's patients.

* Disclaimer
The relevant information content and data in the app are for objective reference only and do not serve as a basis for diagnosis. Outside of using this app, professional medical advice should be sought before making any medical decisions.

SKYWALK-FOG Screenshots