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iAPIS Assets

Apiary Solutions Limited

About iAPIS Assets

iAPIS - Assets solves key problems for modern beekeepers wanting to keep track of their hive assets, understand utilization, optimise their capital resources and track assets for biosecurity and operational intelligence.

• Uses technology that actually works for beekeepers.
• Long range and fast scanning (5-7meter range and 200 assets/tags per second) means fast, simple inventory of all assets in an Apiary.
• Lower power settings for individual hive builds for Beekepers wanting to "build a hive" by scanning individual assets.
• Simple single tap, point and shoot workflow or asset queries in the software.
• Set your own flags against assets for disease, replacement, or requeening.
• When integrated with iAPIS Works - a falg can automatically create a task or followup action.
• Define your own asset types eg hives boxes, bases, lids.
• Asset scans at either Apiary or down to individual hives.
• GPS location every time an asset is read and relationship to your sites whether apiary or warehouse.
• Centralised dashboarding and reporting of all asset movements, counts, frequency of inventory.

Fully integrated with iAPIS - Extraction & iAPIS - Works.

Talk to us about what's coming up like electronic tags on queen bees for genetic tracking...

iAPIS Assets Screenshots