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Seeple Ltd

About Seeple

Welcome job seekers!

Here at Seeple, we believe you’re more than just a paper CV. Seeple is a platform that allows every job seeker to BE SEEN, BE HEARD and BE FOUND for the jobs that they want. Using Seeple you can enhance a boring CV with cool features such as record a video elevator pitch, upload certificates or photos of achievements, filter your preferences down to the closest mile plus so much more!

All you need is your smartphone. Use our seemless sign up process to get you found quickly, alternatively upload your CV and a member of our team will convert it into your new CV 2.0, the next generation of CVs. Your new digital profile is the most powerful way to showcase who you are to employers and recruiters in a way never seen before.

Seeple is a private platform connecting job seekers to employers and recruiters. Instead of applying for jobs, let employers find you quickly. Once you’ve joined the club, you are free to use and share your profile as a digital resume. Think of it as your CV2.0. It’s free for all job seekers, regardless of the role you’re looking for and it’s as simple as uploading your CV to the platform. Our dedicated team will convert it for you at no cost.

Our powerful search and filter tool for recruiters means that they can find you for any role, anytime with a few clicks. Equality is at the core of our mission to help as many people into finding their dream job. Thats why, on our platform we have a fair system to ensure everyone has an opportunity to be seen and found. We know that when you do get found, your future manager can learn much more about you than any paper based CV. As this new CV2.0 will be your digital resume, you can ditch your old CV and share your profile proudly, but privately to stand out from the crowd. Why? Because you’re now in control of how you wish to be seen, be heard and be found.

Why you’ll love using Seeple:

1. Job search: Employers cant find you if they don’t know you exist! We help you stand out on a secure private digital platform without having to be social and sharing all your details to a public network.
2. Headhunted: Seeple aims to shift the focus on you. Once your set up, you sit back and wait to be found. The recruiters will come searching for you. No more mindless ‘quick apply’ clicks to all those job boards that you never hear back from.
3. Stand out: A CV2.0 is the next generation digital resume. Think the future is digital! Don’t be limited to a sheet of paper. Did you know on average, recruiters spend only 5-10 seconds reading a traditional CV.
4. Free upgrade of your CV: Your new digital profile is your CV 2.0. Available to share immediately as a link or PDF.
5. Multiple profiles: Into more than one job type? We got you! Create different profiles based on different positions your are applying for. This enables you to highlight the right skills and experience and ultimately stand out.
6. Its FREE: No subscriptions, no charges. Our mission is to help change over a million lives. Did you know on average we spend 345 hours a year at work. Seeple is here to help you be the happiest you can be during those 345 hours per year!
7. Keep your data private: Never expose your number or email address again, leaving you in control.

So sign up, sit back and get found for your next job using Seeple!

#beseen #beheard #befound

Whether you want to find a new long term role, a short term contract position or even to do some volunteering help, Seeple is the professional platform for you.

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