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Lieper Books Private Limited

About Lieper

The social network for book lovers and the world.
Discover your next favourite book at great prices and support independent bookstores with Lieper.
Gift books to people you love or find interesting. Books mails are now the coolest way to break the ice!
Our app connects book lovers with a curated selection of books from local independent bookstores.
You can browse through a wide selection of genres and authors. Buy books directly from independent bookstores and send book mails to friends and family. Get books delivered to your doorstep at amazing discounts.
Get curated book recommendations, rate and review books, and blog about them in your ‘spaces.’
Join ‘groups’ to discuss your favourite books and authors with people who share your love for books. Get notified of existing groups based on your in-app purchasing and gifting of books.
Let your profile reflect the many sides of you. Share posts, and stories, message people, and gift them books. Customise your profile according to your many interests and blog about your thoughts and books in the ‘spaces’ section in your profile.
Books bought from the app or gifted to you will be added to your 'Reads'. When your 'Reads' cross a certain milestone you will get a verified badge. With this you get the superpower of buying books for free!

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