Let’s talk TV! Bantr is a social network for television fans. Comment, rant, commiserate, bond, and bantr about the shows you love with other fans who love them, too. Swipe through episode-specific discussion topics and join small group conversation or create some prompts of your own and get bantring.
Your Favorite Shows - Keep track of all the shows you’ve watched and chat about the ones you love and the ones you love to hate. New shows and episodes are added all the time.
Spoiler Free - Select where you are in a series, and never worry about encountering annoying spoilers.
Have Meaningful Discussion - Find and engage with other fans in anonymous discussions groups
Make New Friends - Make a diverse range of new connections and build up a buddy list of your favorite people to talk to.
Your Favorite Shows - Keep track of all the shows you’ve watched and chat about the ones you love and the ones you love to hate. New shows and episodes are added all the time.
Spoiler Free - Select where you are in a series, and never worry about encountering annoying spoilers.
Have Meaningful Discussion - Find and engage with other fans in anonymous discussions groups
Make New Friends - Make a diverse range of new connections and build up a buddy list of your favorite people to talk to.
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