BreakFree: From Your Phone icon

BreakFree: From Your Phone

BreakFree Inc.
4.7 out of 5

About BreakFree: From Your Phone

BreakFree is an app that uses group and solo challenges, app blocking, and paid rewards to enable people to take back control of their phone usage. A user creates a challenge (eg: "I challenge you to not use TikTok for next 3 hours"), wages virtual coins against their friends, and we temporarily block their selected apps (through Apple’s Screen Time API)  to help them complete their mission. Winners earn their friends’ BreakCoins and can use these coins to redeem real-world rewards and experiences.

Creating Challenges
- There are 2 types of challenges: Focus Challenges and Daily Limits. Both types of challenges can be completed solo or as a group. For group challenges, a maximum of 10 participants can join.
- You may only have 3 challenges of each type ongoing at any time.
- Create a Focus Challenge with a start and end time to remove distractions during a specific period of time (e.g. work session, study session, quality time with friends).
- Create a Daily Limit Challenge to set the maximum time you’re able to use certain applications in the span of one day (e.g. If you create a daily limit of 15 minutes for Instagram, you can only use Instagram for 15 minutes for the entire day (until 11:59 PM) to win the challenge.

How BreakCoins Work.
- Win the challenge and you win BreakCoins! Based on the level of difficulty of your challenge, you will have the opportunity to win a specified amount of BreakCoins. The harder the challenge, the higher the reward. BreakCoins will be granted when the challenge ends.
- You also have the option of putting up your own BreakCoins when you create a challenge or join a group challenge to increase your reward. If you put up your own BreakCoins, you can earn up to 3 times the amount of coins you put up (the harder the challenge, the more BreakCoins you will win).
- If you lose the challenge, you lose the BreakCoins that you put up. If you did not put up any of your own coins and lost the challenge, you will not lose any BreakCoins.

Taking a Break / Forfeiting a Challenge
- Once you start a challenge, you cannot edit its details.
- The “forfeit” option will end the challenge prematurely. If you put up any BreakCoins yourself, you will lose those BreakCoins.

Redeeming BreakCoins
- You can use your BreakCoins to get discount coupons, vouchers, and more from companies on the BreakFree marketplace.

Apple Screen Time (Disclaimer)
- In order to use BreakFree, you must turn on Apple’s “Screen Time” and provide BreakFree with access to your Screen Time in your Settings.

BreakFree: From Your Phone Screenshots