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About Willuwalk

Willuwalk on lapsevanemale mõeldud mobiilirakendus, mis võimaldab sul suhelda sarnases eluetapis inimestega. Päris inimesed, päris vestlused.

Aktiveeri jalutama minnes mobiilirakendus, avasta teised samas piirkonnas samal ajahetkel jalutavad lapsevanemad, saada kutseid ning leia ägedaid tutvusi. Kogu punkte jalutatud kilomeetrite, kohtumiste ja kaardil olevate asukohtade märkimisega ning osale auhinnaloosis. Lisaks vahendame äpis Willuwalki koostööpartnerite sooduspakkumisi, ikka selleks, et lapsevanemate elu mugavamaks teha.


Ps! Ära kohtu võõraga hilja õhtul, pimedas, eraldatud kohas.


Willuwalk is a mobile application designed for parents, allowing you to communicate with people in a similar stage of life. Real people, real conversations.

Activate the mobile app when you go for a walk, discover other parents walking in the same area at the same time, send invitations, and make awesome connections. Earn points by tracking the distance walked, documenting meetings, and marking locations on the map, and participate in prize draws. Additionally, we provide exclusive offers from Willuwalk's partnering businesses in the app, all to make parents' lives more convenient.

Let's go for a walk!

P.S. Do not meet strangers late at night, in the dark, or in isolated places.

Willuwalk Screenshots