Kollel Shomrei Hachomos Reb Meir Baal Haness exclusive all-new Pushkah App puts the power of the Pushkah right in your pocket and at your fingertips.
With just a few simple clicks your contribution will instantly make its way over the ocean and right to the home of a needy fellow brother or sister in Eretz Yisroel.
It’s easy, convenient and a secure way to give tzedakah.
Share with friends and help the movement catch fire.
Please Note: No credit cards details are sent to or saved on the Pushka servers. Save credit details are saved securely on Westpac Bank’s secure PayWay servers.
With just a few simple clicks your contribution will instantly make its way over the ocean and right to the home of a needy fellow brother or sister in Eretz Yisroel.
It’s easy, convenient and a secure way to give tzedakah.
Share with friends and help the movement catch fire.
Please Note: No credit cards details are sent to or saved on the Pushka servers. Save credit details are saved securely on Westpac Bank’s secure PayWay servers.
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