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About CropHcclt

Hindu Center with the help of dedicated volunteers and parents run Children's Religious Oriented Program (CROP) to provide an opportunity in order to educate our future generations about our Vedic culture and the significance of our religious practices. There is a need for our kids to learn more about our way of life in our Sanatan Dharma. The more they learn and understand our culture the better they can present and share our culture and values to the community at large.

CROP program has been in place for last 30 years and started by very dedicated volunteer(s) with 10+ kids has now grown to be a 300+ strong school like environment. We encourage all our Hindu Center member parents to take an advantage of this opportunity to educate our new generation with the knowledge they need in their adult life. This foundational knowledge helps them to be a better person and defend their way of life if needed during lifetime and cherish their cultural values.

This program offers verities of education about our culture and values with topic like Hindu Festivals, God & Goddess/Panchatantra, Ramayana, Mahabharata, Puranic tales, Dashavatara, Bhagavata Purana, Hanuman chalisa, Karma Yoga, Gita Mahatmayam, FAQ of Hinduism, Sanātana Dharma, Vedic Knowledge, etc for different age groups depending on their maturity and understanding abilities.

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