MF BIZ asistent icon

MF BIZ asistent

Asseco SEE d.o.o. Sarajevo

About MF BIZ asistent

MF BIZ asistent is the mobile payment of MF banka Banja Luka.

MF BIZ asistent offers the following possibilities/functionalities:
- Enquiry services – balance and transactions on all accounts, cards, deposit checks and loan checks
- Funds transfer between own accounts
- All non-cash transactions (bill payment)
- Currency exchange enquiry
- Purchase and sale of foreign currency
- Deposit and loan calculator
- Bank contact
Mobile banking benefits:
- Simple activation and benefits
- Saving time and money
- 24/7 availability

MF BIZ asistent predstavlja mobilno plaćanje MF Banke a.d. Banja Luka.

MF BIZ asistent Vam daje mogućnost:
- Provjere stanja i prometa svih računa, kartica, štednje i kredita
- Transfer novca između vlastitih računa
- Obavljanja svih vrsta bezgotovinskih transakcija
- Uvid u kursnu listu
- Kupovinu i prodaju deviza
- Informativne kalkulatore štednje i kredita
- Kontakt Banke
Prednosti korištenja usluge mobilnog bankarstva:
- Jednostavna aktivacija i upotreba
- Štedi vrijeme i novac
- Dostupnost 24/7

MF BIZ asistent Screenshots

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