Word guessing game with a simple twist.
Most of the words in our word-bank are tech related, for example: cable, false, virus and email, however, be sure to keep an open mind.
So how does the game work?
- Each day you'll get a new word.
- You have to guess a 5 character word.
- You have 6 tries to try and guess the word.
- When you hit enter:
- If (the character) turns 'grey' that means the character is not included in the word;
- If (the character) turns 'yellow' that means the character is included in the word but it's in the wrong position;
- If (the character) turns 'green' that means the character is included in the word and is at the correct position;
After guessing the word you'll see your stats and a button to share your result!
Most of the words in our word-bank are tech related, for example: cable, false, virus and email, however, be sure to keep an open mind.
So how does the game work?
- Each day you'll get a new word.
- You have to guess a 5 character word.
- You have 6 tries to try and guess the word.
- When you hit enter:
- If (the character) turns 'grey' that means the character is not included in the word;
- If (the character) turns 'yellow' that means the character is included in the word but it's in the wrong position;
- If (the character) turns 'green' that means the character is included in the word and is at the correct position;
After guessing the word you'll see your stats and a button to share your result!
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