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Vita Naturalis


About Vita Naturalis

In recent years, taking care of yourself "naturally" has found a good place on bookstore shelves, on social media, or in conversations among friends in the form of tips and tricks.

It is a real awareness of the need to rediscover the common sense remedies that our ancestors practiced.

Naturopathy has become for many people a real therapy: it allows, first of all, to relax, to unwind, to clear the mind after a hard day, but also to reduce anxiety and stress and to have a good hygiene of life and a physical and psychological well-being.

However, finding the right path among the plethora of solutions offered is not easy, and taking care of yourself as a whole often becomes a real Chinese puzzle!

Receptive to this new demand, we designed this application to allow you to have access in one and the same place to the principles of naturopathy.

We disseminate various types of content, such as articles, videos or podcasts, that will allow you to have a session and a protocol adapted to your profile and your problem, at any time of the day, from any place you wish.

So, in this app, we share with you the fundamentals of naturopathy, the ones we use every day in our consultations with clients concerned about a healthier and more balanced life.

You will discover along the navigation, the prevention and monitoring of the small and big ills of everyday life through nutrition, plants, essential oils, food supplements, flower elixirs, breathing techniques,...

In a simple and structured way, you will find recommendations "at first intent" to get to the essentials, then "in addition" if you want an approach beyond the symptoms, based on the search for the cause; and finally to go further you will have access to specific dietary protocols, plant identification sheets, essential oils, all the micronutrients and nutrients, a whole encyclopedia of naturopathy to help you in your daily life.

Whether you are an expert in the field or a neophyte, you will find proposed solutions regarding the scientifically proven virtues and the legislation that authorizes (so far) the suggested products.

This application does not replace a consultation with a naturopath or a doctor, who will be able to accompany you according to your specificities and your needs at the moment.

We wish you good navigation, hoping that this app will find a place in your daily life to accompany you on the path to health.

Because YES, this app will accompany you daily with the weekly publication of podcasts, recorded sophrology sessions, videos of cooking recipes, lactofermentation, reports and conferences with naturopathic professionals.

Get well, take care of yourself... naturally!


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