This application calculates your current menstrual (hayd) and clean (Thur) days from the blood and clean days you have seen before, as well as the Istihaadah days, if any.
As a result of the calculation, it tells you your new hayd and thur days, istihadah days, which days you should pray, which days you should fast.
This appllication has been prepared on the basis of imam Birgivi's Zuhrul Muteehhilin book.
“Imam Birgivi 1523-1573".
As a result of the calculation, it tells you your new hayd and thur days, istihadah days, which days you should pray, which days you should fast.
This appllication has been prepared on the basis of imam Birgivi's Zuhrul Muteehhilin book.
“Imam Birgivi 1523-1573".
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