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IM Scheduler

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About IM Scheduler

Client Screen - Stay informed about the most accurate weather information for all of your fields and ranches. Easily view maps, schedules, events, and reports by selecting your clients, ranches, and fields.

Soil Management Screen - Keep tabs on your soil maps, plant and soil moisture sensor data, weather forecast, and daily NDVI imagery current status and rate of change from the previous days imagery. Utilize location services to navigate fields, take geolocated images, and make agronomic notes. Monitor irrigation sets, irrigation requirements for the week, and water usage in fields and ranches all on one screen.

Scheduling Screen - Monitor weekly irrigation schedules in terms of hours and inches applied, and daily schedules in terms of times on and off for irrigation. Edit irrigation schedules and send updates to existing automated pumps and valves in your ranches or fields.

Cultural Event Tracking - Add and track cultural field events, and IM Scheduler will adjust irrigation schedules to accommodate the field work. Review historical field cultural events.

Reporting - Access historical sensor, weather, and equipment data such as pumping efficiency, pumping levels, flow meter data, etc. from all your technology and compare your irrigation system's performance against your target.

IM Scheduler Screenshots