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DCF Valuation Tool


About DCF Valuation Tool

If you are a student, a professor or a pro in the field of corporate valuation that wants to do quick and easy DCF valuation calculation, this app is for you!
Easy to use, the DCF tool allows you to perform quick and simple DCF valuations based upon general assumptions: business plan time horizon, revenue & opex assumptions, growth rate, discount rate, capex, working capital etc...
Very user friendly: you can either set out your assumptions by typing figures in textboxes or use the sliders.
You can derive your cash flows either starting from three year 1-financial metrics: either from revenue/opex assumptions / or directly from a year 1 EBITDA / or directly from a year 1 EBIT assumption. year 1 financial metrics start (option between Revenues/EBITDA/EBIT) that are not used/not selected while switching from an option to another are now disabled to leave enabled only the controls (textboxes, sliders) related to selected financial metrics (i.e. if you choose starting your DCF from year 1 revenues assumption, EBITDA and EBIT sliders/text boxes will be disabled/not accessible).
Entreprise value (EV) and equity value are computed and displayed instantaneously whenever you modify or update a parameter.
You can decide to activate the terminal value calculation depending on whether your business has an infinite or finite horizon.
Terminal value can be calculated using the perpetuity formula, a EV/EBITDA multiple assumption or the average of both.
You have the option to switch between two approaches: one that includes the tax effect of debt interest deductibility directly in the business plan using EBT as part of tax calculation, and another that considers only unlevered EBIT with cash flows being fully taxed, assuming that the tax effect of debt interest deductibility is already factored into the discount rate. To facilitate this choice, 2 new sections called "Tax Calculation Settings" and "Senior Debt Parameters Settings" have been added, allowing you respectively to switch between option 1 and option 2 and to define the senior debt terms.
New data export functionality: you can now export your business plan, related assumptions & key valuation outputs (including sensitivity table) through a .csv file generated automatically and attached to an email, by clicking the "SEND" button. The user can then easily paste csv data into a spreadsheet.
Sensitivity analysis: users can select two sensitivity parameters, for instance, the discount rate and revenue growth, and generate a sensitivity table for both EV and equity value. This table not only displays the incremental variation for each sensitivity parameter but also empowers users to define the incremental variation for each of the two selected sensitivity parameters. It provides users with the flexibility to customize their sensitivity analyses. Warning: Users are required to input the incremental variation value in the same units as those used for the application's parameters. For example, if the base case value for the discount rate is 10%, and you wish to analyze sensitivities for 8%, 6%, 12%, and 14%, you should input '2' (and not '2%' or '0.02') in the dedicated entry field. This ensures consistency and accurate sensitivity analysis.

DCF Valuation Tool Screenshots