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Receipts & Returns

Trunao LLC

About Receipts & Returns

Following are some of the features

• Paperless Receipt Transaction
• Easy Returns (Paperless)
• Store wise Receipt Management
• As per rules last possible return dates (Approx)
• Can access whole invoice or Receipts on mobile as submitted Images.
• Unlimited Bar Code scan and store facility
• Share receipts with partner/family for easy Receipts or Returns management.
• Create a Common daily shopping list and get real time status and add and edit facility.
• Easy Search Option available, no need to go through all receipts.
• Can do price comparison for same product at different stores.
• Make personal purchase Receipt View Only to prevent you family to see the purchases.
• Share a receipt to your friend if you purchased for him/her.
• Get referral by recommending the app to your friend. See who all are your referral

Terms of Use:

Receipts & Returns Screenshots