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Case Prep Zone

Case Prep Zone Pte. Ltd.

About Case Prep Zone

One-stop premier interview coaching services that help you land your dream jobs in consulting, tech and management trainee programs.

The consulting career is one of the most sought after careers because of its rigorous business training, steep learning curve and attractive financial reward. However few people realize the competitiveness of the selection process. The hard truth is less than 10% of the candidates pass the case interviews and the passing rate is even lower to get into MBB. 

Besides consulting, case interviews are widely used in other industries such as tech industry. For instance, Google, uses case interview questions in RRK (role related knowledge) and GCA (general cognitive ability) rounds to test candidates' ability to solve hypothetical business problems on the spot and think on the fly. Therefore mastering the case interview is crucial for you to ace the business questions and land your dream job in almost all industries.  

The good news is case interviews can be trained. Imagine an athlete is preparing for a boxing match. The athlete needs to get rigorously trained to complete a proper punch, elbow, kick as well as defense movements. After each movement is properly trained, then he or she can combine and master the boxing sport. Case interview is the same. Five types of cases are mostly tested and six key criteria are evaluated in the interviews. Our coaches know exactly what consulting and non-consulting firms are looking for and know how to help you succeed. By practicing with the coaches, you will receive specific actionable feedback for each criteria so that you can improve effectively and efficiently and ultimately be able to complete any case interview perfectly. You can click and read more about our thinking on how to crack a case interview.

Many candidates only practice cases with peers. The problem is most peers don't know exactly which part of your answer is not strong and what is the right feedback to provide. As a result, 90% of candidates only realize their poor interview performance until they fail the interview. But there's only one chance to get your dream job, and it's too late to regret.

Many times in life, there's only one chance. Invest in your future career now with Case Prep Zone to get yourself prepared to give the best shot. If you are not sure which coach to talk to or which service to choose, feel free to contact us at

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