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Mantis Bible Study

Mantis Bible Company
3.0 out of 5

About Mantis Bible Study

Note: We offer over 200 add-on resources for Mantis Bible Study. These resources can be purchased from our web site In addition, most of these resources can be purchased via "In App Purchase" from the Apple App Store.

Mantis Bible Study is the most advanced Bible Study Tool available for any mobile platform. A long list of unique features make Mantis Bible Study stand out as the premier tool for accessing the Bible on the iPhone:

Flexible content:
•Comes with the full King James text
•Works offline -- no network connection is necessary for reading and studying [Note: A network connection is required in order to load new resources and to sync your data between devices.]
•Additional Bible translations, commentaries, dictionaries, devotionals and other books can be purchased and installed immediately. Check for available titles

Great navigation options:

•Quick History
•Quick-reference chapter and section headers
•Grid Mode
•Tap the book name to navigate book, chapter, verse

Fantastic study tools:

•Flexible "Markers" easily create bookmarks, notes, and highlights in all sorts of styles and formats
•WYSIWYG Note Editor
•Live Scripture References inside personal notes

Plus much, much more!

Mantis Bible Study Screenshots