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Note Me

Pocket Your World
4.8 out of 5

About Note Me

Looking for a notes applications that not just takes your notes, but also lets you find them when you need to?
Well, look no more!

We developed Note Me not just to help you jot down ideas, meeting notes, personal memos etc., but also to be able to organize them in such a way that you can find the information you are looking for easily.

Note Me uses a tagging system that allows you to assign multiple tags to a single note and then look up notes based on any combination of such tags.

Key Features:
- Supports practically unlimited number of notes. Easily manage 1000+ notes.
- Multiple tags can be applied on each note.
- Full text search.
- Advanced filter. Use any combination of Tags to view only selected notes.
- Portrait/Landscape Orientation Support. Complete application works in both modes, not just the Note Edit screen.
- Mail Support. Mail multiple notes. UI allows to mail directly from the Note Preview without even opening the note.
- Language Support. You can type your note in any language supported by your iOS.
- Multi-Note Operations. Common tasks like applying tags, mailing, deletion etc., can be easily performed by selecting multiple notes at once.
- Detailed User Manual.

Note that the app only supports creating a max of 50 tags in total.

Please contact us at for any support queries/feature requests.

App Preview Music courtesy Matt Luedke (

Note Me Screenshots