Macro Dial icon

Macro Dial

Brice Rosenzweig
4.0 out of 5

About Macro Dial

MacroDial is a tool to help edit and automatically change numbers according to some rules based on the way you want to call: IDD, calling card, corporate access number, without entering multiple entry your phonebook.

This program is intended to be useful if
- you travel and need to dial the same number in diverse way (ex: dial +813 5555 5555 from hong kong, but 03 5555 5555 from Japan).
- you have access to IDD prefix code (ex: Three in Hong Kong)
- your carrier do not process the + as expected (ex: Softbank in japan)
- you have corporate access number that require processing of the number to extract the right extension.
- you are using multiple calling card from different countries.
- you want to share your calling macros allowing other to personalize their PIN
- macros will be sorted based on your location and usage history
- local time and information for the selected number will be displayed (tap on it to see more)

Check the website for instructions or questions

By default the rules for japan softbank, hong kong three and brazil idd are preloaded

Macro Dial Screenshots