Wherever you are in USA, don’t worry about food as you can get all the information of the restaurants of your choice with this application- Restaurant Finder.
First you have to select the type of the restaurant from the given list and then you can have further information about that. After entering the City/Zip Code or the Location where you are looking for the restaurant, you will get the whole list of restaurants offering your choice of food. The search result would give information about their address, phone no, rating and URL (if one has). Before going at the restaurant you can also call directly for having more information if you wish.
The additional feature
• The main additional feature of this application is its facility of Weather Forecasting. The moment you start the application, it shows the image, weather condition, temperature and humidity level at the bottom left tracking your current location.
• In addition to this, you can also change the setting- changing order, radius and number of records on one page for bespoke results.
To encapsulate, this application facilitates you to surf and get information of all the restaurants of USA whenever you wish.
First you have to select the type of the restaurant from the given list and then you can have further information about that. After entering the City/Zip Code or the Location where you are looking for the restaurant, you will get the whole list of restaurants offering your choice of food. The search result would give information about their address, phone no, rating and URL (if one has). Before going at the restaurant you can also call directly for having more information if you wish.
The additional feature
• The main additional feature of this application is its facility of Weather Forecasting. The moment you start the application, it shows the image, weather condition, temperature and humidity level at the bottom left tracking your current location.
• In addition to this, you can also change the setting- changing order, radius and number of records on one page for bespoke results.
To encapsulate, this application facilitates you to surf and get information of all the restaurants of USA whenever you wish.
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