Make your job easier with our refrigerant charging and diagnostic HVAC app - HVAC Buddy®. If you are servicing equipment the best way to begin diagnosis and determine the proper refrigerant charge is to use HVAC Buddy®, a set of gauges, and a thermometer.
• Superheat for fixed capillary or Subcooling forTXV/EXV systems
• Calculates targeted vs. actual Subcooling
• Over 100 refrigerants including newer azeotropic blends
• Airflow / Delta-T / TEET Calculation
• Email System Status Report
• Imperial (IP) or Metric (SI)
• Use Target Superheat and Subcooling tables or enter manually
• Update all values with realtime output
• Line Chart displays historical values based on input changes or elapsed time
If the early outdoor temperature is 75F and you charge the system to a “beer can cold” suction line your system is likely improperly charged. Later in the afternoon high temperatures will increase head pressure and the resulting overcharge means a lower than desired superheat and wasted energy. Not good!
Overall Process:
• Enter refrigerant, temps, and pressures
• The math is done for you to display Superheat, Subcooling and Airflow Target, Actual, and Difference
• Email all readings (detail)
Other Features:
• Flexible units - psi, kPa, Fahrenheit, Celsius, etc.
• Calculates Superheat and Subcooling targets
• Airflow - For cooling, compares a targeted difference across the coil vs. actual. Also called Delta-T or Target Evaporator Exit Temperature (TEET).
• System Status Report - Use the email tab to create defaults for email addresses, subject, and System Status Report introductory text. Tap the email button and these values are incorporated into a formatted page including all the parameters recorded in HVAC Buddy. Edit the email and / or add contacts from your contact list. Then on each service call it's just a couple taps to send a personalized report.
Accolades and Awards:
HVAC Buddy® ranked #2 in readers choice of top 10 contracting apps.
HVAC Buddy® was featured by the California Association of HERS Raters and is CalHERS approved!
"Very cool app. I can see California really running with this as we have strict requirements for verification." - John Richau, Executive Director, Calhers
"an excellent programme" - Charlie Richards
HVAC Buddy® Load Calc - Now Available
HVAC Buddy® Duct Calc - Powerful tool with a simple to use real-time interface to help you choose optimal duct sizes.
HVAC Buddy® Pressure Temperature - Over 90 Refrigerant combinations and their corresponding PT relationship in Metric or Imperial units.
HVAC Buddy® Psychrometric - Quickly calculate thermodynamic properties of moist air at temperatures commonly used in HVAC systems. Enter multiple sets of properties, mix air streams.
• Superheat for fixed capillary or Subcooling forTXV/EXV systems
• Calculates targeted vs. actual Subcooling
• Over 100 refrigerants including newer azeotropic blends
• Airflow / Delta-T / TEET Calculation
• Email System Status Report
• Imperial (IP) or Metric (SI)
• Use Target Superheat and Subcooling tables or enter manually
• Update all values with realtime output
• Line Chart displays historical values based on input changes or elapsed time
If the early outdoor temperature is 75F and you charge the system to a “beer can cold” suction line your system is likely improperly charged. Later in the afternoon high temperatures will increase head pressure and the resulting overcharge means a lower than desired superheat and wasted energy. Not good!
Overall Process:
• Enter refrigerant, temps, and pressures
• The math is done for you to display Superheat, Subcooling and Airflow Target, Actual, and Difference
• Email all readings (detail)
Other Features:
• Flexible units - psi, kPa, Fahrenheit, Celsius, etc.
• Calculates Superheat and Subcooling targets
• Airflow - For cooling, compares a targeted difference across the coil vs. actual. Also called Delta-T or Target Evaporator Exit Temperature (TEET).
• System Status Report - Use the email tab to create defaults for email addresses, subject, and System Status Report introductory text. Tap the email button and these values are incorporated into a formatted page including all the parameters recorded in HVAC Buddy. Edit the email and / or add contacts from your contact list. Then on each service call it's just a couple taps to send a personalized report.
Accolades and Awards:
HVAC Buddy® ranked #2 in readers choice of top 10 contracting apps.
HVAC Buddy® was featured by the California Association of HERS Raters and is CalHERS approved!
"Very cool app. I can see California really running with this as we have strict requirements for verification." - John Richau, Executive Director, Calhers
"an excellent programme" - Charlie Richards
HVAC Buddy® Load Calc - Now Available
HVAC Buddy® Duct Calc - Powerful tool with a simple to use real-time interface to help you choose optimal duct sizes.
HVAC Buddy® Pressure Temperature - Over 90 Refrigerant combinations and their corresponding PT relationship in Metric or Imperial units.
HVAC Buddy® Psychrometric - Quickly calculate thermodynamic properties of moist air at temperatures commonly used in HVAC systems. Enter multiple sets of properties, mix air streams.
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