DeciTime - Time for the 21st century
DeciTime stands for "decimal time", i.e. a representation of the time of day based on decimal units.
Since the old times we are used to the somewhat odd counting with 24/60/60 - the time of day has 24 hours of 60 minutes of 60 seconds.
With DeciTime, the day has 10 Dours of 100 Dinutes of 100 Deconds.
Sounds strange, but it is much easier to count in decimal system.
Until now, the day has 86,400 seconds. Now it's 100,000 deconds. A simple math shows that the deconds are slightly faster than seconds. Fast times, fast time ;-)
- 4 nice clock styles
- All colors can be customized
- 6 color sets can be stored
- 'Click' for dours, dinutes or deconds
- portrait or landscape mode
- digital time display as an option
DeciTime stands for "decimal time", i.e. a representation of the time of day based on decimal units.
Since the old times we are used to the somewhat odd counting with 24/60/60 - the time of day has 24 hours of 60 minutes of 60 seconds.
With DeciTime, the day has 10 Dours of 100 Dinutes of 100 Deconds.
Sounds strange, but it is much easier to count in decimal system.
Until now, the day has 86,400 seconds. Now it's 100,000 deconds. A simple math shows that the deconds are slightly faster than seconds. Fast times, fast time ;-)
- 4 nice clock styles
- All colors can be customized
- 6 color sets can be stored
- 'Click' for dours, dinutes or deconds
- portrait or landscape mode
- digital time display as an option
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