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Pocket No Agenda

Adam Burkepile
3.3 out of 5

About Pocket No Agenda

Let me be clear, your Gitmo Nation iPhone Application is here! You can use this app 'In the Morning!' or after you get your swine flu shot to get your dose of real news.
The app Adam Curry described as "Spectacular", "The Ultimate App", and "Anything you could want from an iPhone app for No Agenda is here". (Click '...More' to view features)

The app made by a Knight of the No Agenda.
Featured on the "What's Hot" list on the frontpage of the iTunes App Store!
Featured on the App-A-Day podcast!
Mentioned many times on the No Agenda podcast! Used by Adam Curry and Ms. Mickey!

Do you ever suffer from any of the following desires:
-Ability to listen to the live stream or ANY of the past shows on the custom audio player. Background audio with iOS 4.0 or without with the help of Safari.
-[Game Center] Integration! Compete with friends on the [Leaderboard] to see who listens to the stream more! Earn [Achievements] the more you listen! [iOS4.1+ only]
-Push Notification when the show starts! Never accidentally miss a live stream!
-Selectable Show Push Notifications (Multi-Bat)
-A No Agenda Soundboard with jingles, crackpot, and buzzkill moments.
-COMPLETE show listing (back to show #1) with shownotes from the website.
-Shownotes search functionality! Search through ALL the shownotes in one place.
-Ability to save the shows for offline listening.
-Ability to email or twitter (with Tweetie, SimplyTweet, Twittelator, and Echofon) shownotes (Tap-n-Hold on a shownote) shownotes.
-Optional iAds [iOS4.0+ only]

If you answered yes to any of the listed features, Pocket No Agenda maybe for you. Side effects may include: uncontrollable urges to scream "IN THE MORNING" or "JOBS JOBS JOBS JOBS" at the top of your lungs, regret over the ways you've been blinded by "real news", or a crackpot urge that "they" might be coming to get you. Most commonly these effects go away with time but they haunt you for a lifetime. In rare cases, you may get the feeling you "get no spam".

Remember, consult a local Knight of the No Agenda Armory to help decide if No Agenda is right for you.

Please send feedback and requests to http://www.twitter.com/pocketnoagenda

Pocket No Agenda Screenshots