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Living Waters Publications
4.4 out of 5

About GM28

GospelMate 2:8©

Have you ever met someone with whom you wanted to share the gospel, but you couldn’t because they didn’t speak English? You can now (with the touch of your finger) present a clear biblical gospel in twelve different languages.

We have compiled three two-and-a-half-minute gospel messages in twelve languages that can be downloaded onto your iPod in the form of a questionnaire, a straight gospel presentation, and an open air preaching message.

No longer do you (or any missionary) have to actually learn a language before you can use it to present the message of everlasting life. This simple application will help you to communicate the gospel to those who don’t speak English (the “2:8” is from Acts 2:8: “And how is it that we hear, each in our own language in which we were born?” ).

How does it work? Imagine you wish to witness to a French person but you don’t speak French. You simply touch the French icon on your iPod screen, and it will say (in the French language) the words: “I’m doing a quick questionnaire. Do you have a few moments? All you have to do is answer Yes or No.” The French person answers “Oui” [Yes]. Then the Christian touches “Continue” on his screen, and he hears in French, “Do you think there’s a Heaven? Yes or no.” Whether he answers “Yes or no” he hears “If there IS one, do you think that you are good enough to go there--are you a ‘good’ person? Yes or No?"

Then the GM 2:8© presents the entire gospel in a questionnaire form in his language, over the next few minutes. It does this in French (Parisian and Canadian), English, German, Spanish (Neutral and Castilian), Dutch, Italian, Russian, Japanese, Chinese (Mandarin) and Turkish. GM 2:8© also has an open air preaching feature, where you can either repeat each foreign phrase or let it do the preaching for you. The Christian simply plugs his iPod into a larger amplifier, touches the applicable icon and an entire three-minute Gospel message is presented in any one of the twelve languages.

Again, no longer will Christians have to spend years learning the language of the country in which they wish to witness. GM 2:8© does it all for them. It can also be used for those who want to share the gospel, but are fearful and don’t know what to say:

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