YARXI Plus icon


JISHOP Software
5.0 out of 5

About YARXI Plus

YARXI is an electronic Japanese-Russian kanji and word dictionary. It provides comprehensive information about Chinese characters used in Japanese, known as kanji. The kanji search system is centered around element-based lookup, with the original system of 632 basic visual elements.

Kanji search:
- by handwritten shape
- by elements (up to 4)
- by reading (optionally with wildcards)
- by meaning (optionally with wildcards)
- by stroke count
Compound word search:
- by kanji (up to 4)
- by reading
- by meaning
- Unified with kunyomi search

Internal hyperlinks
Animated stroke order diagrams
Favorite kanji/word lists
Hiragana/katakana drill
Kanji/word drill
Import preset kanji/word groups for study
Interactive kanji decomposition
User-provided kanji notes
2136 kanji listed

Free Minimum edition (1006 kanji) and premium Maximum edition (6355 kanji) are also available.

YARXI Plus Screenshots