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Chop Chop Runner

3.7 out of 5

About Chop Chop Runner

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Over 2 million downloads!
#1 downloaded action game in over 40 countries!
Chop Chop Ninja will have its own TV animated series in 2013!
Also available in HD

“Spectacular” –Pocket Gamer
“Original ideas, innovative controls and plenty of characters that is impossible not to like” -Slide to Play
“A fantastic game!” –AverageApper

The world needs a hero! The Emperor’s daughter is in danger and she needs your help! Run as fast as possible, fight off hordes of enemies and avoid all the obstacles in your way! Nothing will stand between you and the princess!

*A fast and frantic platformer
*A tiny yet powerful character
*Addictive and simple 1-button gameplay
*Colorful and cartoonish

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Chop Chop Runner Screenshots