The fun way to learn French and Spanish words and improve your pronunciation!
***The app has been for several weeks in nº 1 of Education, has been app of the week, rewarded as "New & Noteworthy" and has appeared in "What's Hot?". ***
- Listen to authentic native speakers pronounce all words.
- Words can be reviewed manually or in the form of an automatic presentation.
- The individual competence level is measured by a combination of various parameters. At the end of each unit a score is given.
- The text option helps you improve your writing abilities.
- The multiple choice option helps you improve your understanding.
- The exam combines all options and measures your time.
- Users can monitor their progress and level of competence in dynamically created graphs.
- Compete against yourself and against other users.
- Save words in favorites and practice and train only your favorite words.
- Hundreds of words divided in a basic, advanced and business module.
- The speeds of the pronunciation of the words can be configured.
- We don't overwhelm you with thousands of words, but offer small units that can each be dominated in a short time.
Do you really have a big desire to speak French and Spanish fluently without the boring learning sessions? WordTrainer is an app developed to help you learn French and Spanish words in a fast, easy and very entertaining way!
Learn or refresh your French and Spanish, anytime and anywhere with your own personal WordTrainer.
WordTrainer provides a set of the most common and useful words, organized in 3 modules: basic, advanced and business.
The lite version includes 3 and the full version contains the following 24 categories:
- Body Movements
- Family
- Animals
- In the classroom
- Vegetables
- Daily activities
- Describing people
- Drinks
- Bathroom
- Flavors
- Free time activities
- Fruit
- Dating
- Weather
- Tourism
- Restaurant
- At the table
- Paying
- Supermarket
- Tools
- More family
- Telephone
- Places
- Medical
The lite version includes 3 and the full version contains the following 38 categories:
- Greetings
- A conversation
- The house
- Places of residence
- Furniture
- The garden
- Literature & Theatre
- The four wind directions
- Landscapes & Water
- The face
- Body Parts
- Organs
- The appearance
- The hair
- Jewelry
- Cloths
- Numbers
- Ordinals
- Fractions
- Quantity
- Colors
- Friends
- Acquaintances
- The human life cycle
- Occupations
- Feelings
- Children
- Psychology
- Sports
- Time units
- Telling the time
- Days of the Week
- The months of the year
- The four seasons
- Past
- Present & Future
- Holidays
- Shops
- Traffic
- Transportation
The lite version includes 3 and the full version contains the following 24 categories:
- The office
- Buying & Selling
- Contract & Insurance
- The meeting
- The retail
- Money
- Accounting
- The computer
- The industry
- Agriculture, Cattle breeding, Mining
- Politics
- Form of government & Political movements
- Political institutes
- Law
- The court
- Police & Crime
- International relations
- Peace & War I
- Peace & War II
- When?
- How often?
- Adverbs & Conjunctions
- Commonly used verbs I
- Commonly used verbs II
If you have problems with the sound of the app, please make sure the mute button of your device isn't switched on. The mute button is a very small button next to the volume buttons.
There are more wordtrainer apps available. For a complete list of all apps:
***The app has been for several weeks in nº 1 of Education, has been app of the week, rewarded as "New & Noteworthy" and has appeared in "What's Hot?". ***
- Listen to authentic native speakers pronounce all words.
- Words can be reviewed manually or in the form of an automatic presentation.
- The individual competence level is measured by a combination of various parameters. At the end of each unit a score is given.
- The text option helps you improve your writing abilities.
- The multiple choice option helps you improve your understanding.
- The exam combines all options and measures your time.
- Users can monitor their progress and level of competence in dynamically created graphs.
- Compete against yourself and against other users.
- Save words in favorites and practice and train only your favorite words.
- Hundreds of words divided in a basic, advanced and business module.
- The speeds of the pronunciation of the words can be configured.
- We don't overwhelm you with thousands of words, but offer small units that can each be dominated in a short time.
Do you really have a big desire to speak French and Spanish fluently without the boring learning sessions? WordTrainer is an app developed to help you learn French and Spanish words in a fast, easy and very entertaining way!
Learn or refresh your French and Spanish, anytime and anywhere with your own personal WordTrainer.
WordTrainer provides a set of the most common and useful words, organized in 3 modules: basic, advanced and business.
The lite version includes 3 and the full version contains the following 24 categories:
- Body Movements
- Family
- Animals
- In the classroom
- Vegetables
- Daily activities
- Describing people
- Drinks
- Bathroom
- Flavors
- Free time activities
- Fruit
- Dating
- Weather
- Tourism
- Restaurant
- At the table
- Paying
- Supermarket
- Tools
- More family
- Telephone
- Places
- Medical
The lite version includes 3 and the full version contains the following 38 categories:
- Greetings
- A conversation
- The house
- Places of residence
- Furniture
- The garden
- Literature & Theatre
- The four wind directions
- Landscapes & Water
- The face
- Body Parts
- Organs
- The appearance
- The hair
- Jewelry
- Cloths
- Numbers
- Ordinals
- Fractions
- Quantity
- Colors
- Friends
- Acquaintances
- The human life cycle
- Occupations
- Feelings
- Children
- Psychology
- Sports
- Time units
- Telling the time
- Days of the Week
- The months of the year
- The four seasons
- Past
- Present & Future
- Holidays
- Shops
- Traffic
- Transportation
The lite version includes 3 and the full version contains the following 24 categories:
- The office
- Buying & Selling
- Contract & Insurance
- The meeting
- The retail
- Money
- Accounting
- The computer
- The industry
- Agriculture, Cattle breeding, Mining
- Politics
- Form of government & Political movements
- Political institutes
- Law
- The court
- Police & Crime
- International relations
- Peace & War I
- Peace & War II
- When?
- How often?
- Adverbs & Conjunctions
- Commonly used verbs I
- Commonly used verbs II
If you have problems with the sound of the app, please make sure the mute button of your device isn't switched on. The mute button is a very small button next to the volume buttons.
There are more wordtrainer apps available. For a complete list of all apps:
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