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ICE Medical Standard

About The Kids Foundation
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About ICE Medical Standard

“The World’s #1 Emergency Medical Contact Information Application”

As Demonstrated on The Rachel Ray Show by Self-defense Expert and Former CIA Officer Jason Hanson with some important easy to follow tips on how ICE Medical Standard could save your life in an Emergency.

Now called….ICE Medical Standard App lets you put your Emergency Medical Contact Information on Your Smartphone's Lock Screen Image Overlay Display, if you are in an Accident, First Responder’s, EMS, EMTs, FEMA, and ER Staff can find Your Emergency Medical Contact Information as soon as they turn on your Smartphone

Over 14,000 Hospitals, Medical Clinics, Medical Schools and Visiting Angels - America’s Choice in Homecare and Living Assistance Services. With over 550 franchise offices across the United States are recommending and listing ICE Medical Standard App on their Websites and Emergency Pages.

First Responder’s, EMS, EMTs, FEMA, and ER Staff can view Your 3 Color Coded Medical Status by viewing the 1 of 3 colors on top of the ICE Medical Standard App or Your Smartphone Lock Screen Overlay Display to gain at-a-glance insight into Your Well-Being. The 3 Color Code Status Auto-Populates based on the information you enter into the ICE Medical Standard App or the ICE Medical Standard ID Card.

Red Color Code is High Risk Status – Alert and tells First Responder’s, EMS, EMTs, FEMA, and ER Staff to pause and read further. It reflects severe Allergies or Health Conditions. Yellow Color Code is Medium Risk Status – Alert and indicates the user is taking only Medications. If none of these apply, Green Color Code means you are Good To Go Status. You Can Choose To Show or Hide which Personal Information is displayed on your Smartphone Lock Screen Overlay Display to Protect Your Privacy.

Since uploading the original ICE Standard Application on December 24, 2010, ICE Medical Standard App has over 100 Million Users in Untied States. ICE Medical Standard App, is the Industry Standard for Storing and Retrieving Personal Medical Information to Emergency Critical Care Networks in the event of an Accident or a Disaster.

The New ICE Auto Insurance Standard upgrade adds comprehensive support in the event You or Your Family are in an Auto Accident.

NOTE: The Smartphone is regarded as a backup device for your ICE Medical Standard ID Card, if in an Accident your Smartphone may be damaged, overlooked or out of power. A physical ICE Medical Standard ID Card is now available and is the best way to provide Emergency Medical Contact Information for First Responder’s, EMS, EMTs, FEMA and ER Staff. 

About The Kids Foundation and ICE Standard Technologies joint partnership. About The Kids Foundation is the exclusive licensor of ICE Medical Standard App and ICE Auto Insurance Standard App

www.AboutTheKids.Org and www.ICEStandardTech.Com

Please Call For Technical Support (408) 736-4266 or Email TechHelp@AboutTheKids.Org


The Today Show – “Safety Apps For Spring Break”
HealthTap - “The # 1 Emergency Medical App Recommended by Doctor’s”
Costco Connections Magazine – Emergency – “There’s An App For That”
New York Times – “In Case of Emergency” – “My Cellphone Knows What to Do”
The #1 App Selected by Doctors - ER Nurses - RN’s - EMTs - EMSs - First Responders
The #1 App Recommended by Police, Fireman and First Responders
The # 1 Emergency Safety App - Recommended For Single Women Smartphone’s
The # 1 App For Disasters “What’s On Your Lock Screen Image”
The # 1 App For Travel & Emergency’s
The # 1 App For Parents to Protect Their Kids
The # 1 App For Auto Accidents – “Accident Reports Documenting Vehicle Damage”
The # 1 Recommended App by Insurance Agents to Document Vehicle Accidents
The # 1 App To Have For Car Rental – “To Document Vehicle Damage”

Original Copyright © 2003 – Revised Copyright © 2010, Revised Copyright © 2017, About The Kids Foundation, 501 c3 nonprofit, All Rights Reserved, Proprietary & Confidential

ICE Medical Standard Screenshots