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CASHFLOW Financial Statement Calculator

Rich Dad Operating Company, LLC.
4.0 out of 5

About CASHFLOW Financial Statement Calculator

***THIS IS NOT A GAME!*** (Sorry, we didn’t mean to yell but we wanted to make sure you knew.) This app is to be used WITH the CASHFLOW tabletop game.

Breathe new life into your CASHFLOW tabletop experience! Set aside your pencil and your paper financial statements and let the app crunch the numbers for you!

This app will:

• Auto-fill your profession’s salary, savings, and debt.
• Perform all calculations of the financial statement for every Small/Big Deal, Doodad, and Market card.
• Adjust your financial statement every time you add that twinkle in your eye (Baby) or get the axe at your job (Downsized).
• Allow you to pay attention to how each deal affects your financial growth.
• Eliminate mathematical errors!
• Speed up game play giving you more time to talk smack to your opponents or give them encouragement as they attempt to challenge your CASHFLOW supremacy – up to you.

NOTE: This app is not recommended for new players. Give them an opportunity to learn the lessons of the game before you speed it up with this app in your quest to rule the realm.

If you wish to purchase a CASHFLOW tabletop game, please visit our website at

CASHFLOW Financial Statement Calculator Screenshots

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