Campbell R. Harvey's Hypertextual Financial Glossary is the largest and most widely used glossary on the Internet. It is deployed by hundreds of sites including The New York Times, The Washington Post, Yahoo-Finance, CNN-Money, and Bloomberg. An early version of the glossary was posted in 1995. The iPhone app has the advantage of having the latest content. Campbell Harvey is Professor of Finance at Duke University and a Research Associate of the National Bureau of Economic Research.
Praise for the product:
• "This glossary is phenomenal. I can start with a term and keep learning about related terms by just following the hyperlink." - John V
• "I wish I had this glossary when I was doing my MBA. All the financial terms at my fingertips, literally." - Manju K
• "I love the multi level drill down. It lets me scroll quickly through 8000 plus financial terms. Awesome!" - Aaron M
Praise for the product:
• "This glossary is phenomenal. I can start with a term and keep learning about related terms by just following the hyperlink." - John V
• "I wish I had this glossary when I was doing my MBA. All the financial terms at my fingertips, literally." - Manju K
• "I love the multi level drill down. It lets me scroll quickly through 8000 plus financial terms. Awesome!" - Aaron M
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