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Ite Missa Est

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About Ite Missa Est

Ite Missa Est is the adult faith formation ministry of Immaculate Conception Parish. Our focus is to take seriously the great commission of Christ to "Go and make disciples of all nations"... (Mt 28:19). In obedience to the Gospel and in unity with the teachings of the Catholic Church, we strive for the continuous spiritual renewal and holistic faith formation of the adults of our parish, our region, the diocese and the Church at large.

Listen to the insightful homilies of Father Satish and view the Daily Reflections of The Immaculate Conception Church in this mobile app.

This app will be updated daily with new Daily Reflections and weekly with the Sunday Homily.

This app requires a WiFi Internet connection for any device which does not have 3g support.

Your feedback is very important to us. Please let us know what you think.



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