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MoodPanda Mood Diary

Jake Greenwood
3.6 out of 5

About MoodPanda Mood Diary

Track your mood / Build your mood diary / Receive support

MoodPanda allows you to track your mood & get anonymous support from a community of 200k+ lovely people

"I have met several of my closest friends through here" - J

"I've been a member for more than 8 years now and it has brought me a lot of support and insights. It's really helpful to share thoughts and emotions with other people and to know you're not alone. I would recommend it to everyone, no matter how you're feeling." - E

Simple happiness rating

Our community of 200k lovely people gets constant praise for its supportive environment. Share your problems, seek and give advice and make friends

Optional privacy controls if you want your mood diary kept private from the support community. Note: You can use a fake name when logging into MoodPanda!

You can use MoodPanda from your mobile devices and the web app - simply login using the device and use MoodPanda anywhere

+ Track your mood
+ View analysis
+ Interact with the MoodPanda community and get their support, if you choose to
+ See how your mood changes over time, and learn patterns to improve your happiness
+ Privacy mode - to keep your mood diary hidden from other users
+ View mood calendars

Voted The Guardian "Top 30 Apps", as seen on:
BBC, Buzzfeed, Wall Street Journal, Oprah Winfrey's TV show, blog and Magazine, Women's Health Mag, MIND, New Scientist, Channel 4[uk], The Guardian, Dr Oz,, Lifehacker, BusinessInsider, Huffington Post, NPR, NBC, NBC Today, LA Times

Tags: mood diary, mood panda, mood journal, quantified self, qs, moodjournal, happiness diary, optimism, improve mood, depression, anxiety, support group, support, mental health

MoodPanda Mood Diary Screenshots