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Finn Frogne A/S

About TaxaSyd

With TaxaSyd's cool new iPhone App, it will never be the same to order a taxi again.

Easier, more fun and faster order than before.

Taxa Fyn serves the following cities and areas: Odense, Svendborg, Fredericia, Kolding, Middelfart, Assens, Nyborg and Faaborg. In addition, we collaborate with Esbjerg Taxi.

With TaxaSyd's app on your iPhone you can now, anywhere and anytime book your taxi exactly where you are. Through GPS, the app itself updates to exactly where you are, and you do not call the Taxa Syd center to book your vehicle. Book your taxi so you can take vacation luggage, your pets, etc. with. If you need a taxi that you can not book through the app, you can always call TaxaSyd's 8 cities in the ordinary numbers, of course, is to find the app.

You also have the opportunity to:

* To book from account
* To pre‑book a taxi for up to one week before
* To follow the status of your order and follow your taxi on the map
* To cancel the taxi‑ right up until your taxi is assigned to you
* To view all your taxi bookings for the last period
* To send a receipt by mail
* To make favourite addresses so you can quickly book for addresses you use a lot
* To write comments to your driver in the booking

For further information or suggestions for improvements / changes, please contact

TaxaSyd Screenshots