《ELLE DECORATION 家居廊》品味居家的必选杂志,1987年创刊于法国,全球拥有25个版本,以引领趋势、激发灵感,打造风格生活为诉求,定位于那些对家居和设计类生活方式有热情的消费者、设计师、建筑师及相关的专业人士。全球一致的编辑宗旨为“不是凭借技巧,而是通过家居装饰表现个人风格”。将个性、品位、生活方式和经历融合在不同风格、不同效果和不同时代中,充分体现对生活的热爱。杂志诠释最新创意,展现高雅风格,引领家居潮流。它带给读者的不仅仅是来自世界顶级设计师的创意设计,更多地激发个人想象力与创造力,如何在“家”的舞台上演绎时尚潮流,将创意融入生活,从而满足对精致审美的追求。
2004年中国版上市以来,影响和启迪着超过1千万以上的读者。《ELLE DECORATION 家居廊》iPad版电子杂志2011年9月上线,每月一期,每逢25日上架。
如新版本上线后您在下载和订阅中遇到问题,可邮件product_newMedia@hearst.com.cn 垂询。我们将为您解决问题。
ELLE DECORATION has 25 editions around the world since 1987, which founded in France. It now reaches over 735,000 upscale readers in China. ELLE DECORATION iPad Magazine was launched in September 2011. The download of it has exceeded 1,050,000. ELLE DECORATION owns official WeChat account with 180,000 followers, Sina Weibo with 360,000 followers, and covers www.ellechina.com/deco, elledeco.youku.com as well. ELLE DECORATION consistently builds up its role as the most influential design and lifestyle media platform in China.
2004年中国版上市以来,影响和启迪着超过1千万以上的读者。《ELLE DECORATION 家居廊》iPad版电子杂志2011年9月上线,每月一期,每逢25日上架。
如新版本上线后您在下载和订阅中遇到问题,可邮件product_newMedia@hearst.com.cn 垂询。我们将为您解决问题。
ELLE DECORATION has 25 editions around the world since 1987, which founded in France. It now reaches over 735,000 upscale readers in China. ELLE DECORATION iPad Magazine was launched in September 2011. The download of it has exceeded 1,050,000. ELLE DECORATION owns official WeChat account with 180,000 followers, Sina Weibo with 360,000 followers, and covers www.ellechina.com/deco, elledeco.youku.com as well. ELLE DECORATION consistently builds up its role as the most influential design and lifestyle media platform in China.
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