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The Byrnes Agency

4.5 out of 5

About The Byrnes Agency

Byrnes has been providing insurance in Eastern Connecticut from the Massachusetts border to the shore for more than seven decades. The Byrnes Agency, Inc has become one of the largest privately owned agencies in Connecticut. You can turn to any Byrnes office for immediate information about our policies.

We are currently licensed in the following states:

ConnecticutFloridaMassachusettsMissouriNew Hampshire
New YorkPennsylvaniaRhode IslandNew JerseyVermont
MaineGeorgiaNo. CarolinaOhioColorado
District of Columbia

We have made insurance work for thousands of individuals and hundreds of businesses and organizations. Some of our clients belong to the sixth generation of families we have served. Our approach has always emphasized service first, as we seek to provide the best coverage at a fair price. We welcome the opportunity to show you how Byrnes can make insurance work for you.

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