Swedish-English-Swedish dictionary contains total 78444 words. Of which, 52669 words are Swedish - English and 25775 words are English - Swedish.
Apps key features:
- Offline dictionary, no internet connection required.
- Search as you type.
- Simple interface.
- Details translation: with phonetic, inflection, synonym and example.
- History of search
- Caching mode in ipad, iphone4, ipod4, iphone3GS to speed up translation.
Dictionary is based on the People Dictionary (Folkets Lexikon) under Distributed Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.5 Generic license.
Feedback and more information, visit our website:www.dict.se
And dont forget to rate to Dict.SE apps.
Devices tested: Iphone 4, iphone 3G, Ipod touch 3G, IPad1 , Ipad2
Apps key features:
- Offline dictionary, no internet connection required.
- Search as you type.
- Simple interface.
- Details translation: with phonetic, inflection, synonym and example.
- History of search
- Caching mode in ipad, iphone4, ipod4, iphone3GS to speed up translation.
Dictionary is based on the People Dictionary (Folkets Lexikon) under Distributed Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.5 Generic license.
Feedback and more information, visit our website:www.dict.se
And dont forget to rate to Dict.SE apps.
Devices tested: Iphone 4, iphone 3G, Ipod touch 3G, IPad1 , Ipad2
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