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MooreValue Software
3.9 out of 5

About 1828

Look up word definitions from Noah Webster's 1828 American Dictionary of the English Language.

August 30, 2018
1828 now has the option to purchase an updated dictionary with cross-reference links. There are three in-app purchase options, all of which include the updated dictionary which fixes some incomplete definitions and other issues.

1. Dictionary Cross-Reference. This upgrade provides tappable links to words referred to in some definitions. For example, the definition of Abase has a reference indicating "See Abash". With this upgrade, the referenced word will appear in blue and tapping the word will open the definition for that word.

2. Bible Cross-Reference. This upgrade provides tappable links to Bible references which appear in many definitions. The Bible reference will appear in blue and tapping the reference will open the Bible chapter with the referenced verse highlighted so that it can be read in context.

3. All Cross-Reference. This is a combo upgrade which includes both the Dictionary and Bible cross-reference options.

The in-app purchase is accessed by tapping the gear icon at the top-right of the Word Search view.

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