You want to keep your personal information passcode protected, readily accessible when you need it without loosing time, and totally secure. Get the Secure Wallet and Enable Triple Encryption.
Are you prepared for losing your wallet and other important documents? Do you have all the information for contacting the specific authorities needed in that case on hand? If not, this application is for you. Don't take risks with your vital information, like your social security number, credit cards, bank accounts, passports, driving licenses, insurances, emails, web accounts, and other personal information. You can store your family's information as well. Using this app, you will be able to capture all of that information and lot more electronically at one place secured with your passcode.
You can securely store Contacts as well as photographs. Import contacts from your contact book or create the new one right in the application. Import photographs from your camera roll or snap a picture right from the application. One can create folders and organize photographs in that also. Duplicate secure contact removal as well as merge capability has been provided also.
Text Search works across all categories as well as secure contacts.
One can mark these items as favorites (by clicking star next in the list) for easy access directly from the favorites tab.
Application timeout and access passcode secures application access. Intruder lockout feature keeps your information secured and locks the application. Password field masking hides the password from screen.
Don't worry about the backup file because it is impossible to extract any meaningful personal data from the backup file, so it can be stored in online storage securely, if you prefer to do so.
Textual secure data and contacts (as vCards) can also be emailed to your email address, if you decide to use the information somewhere else. Your address book contacts can also be exported.
An automatic password generator to create strong, secure passwords can help you to keep your all accounts safe. Never reuse the same password in various accounts, use password generator to get new password every time, store it in your Secure Wallet Category and use it.
When you are viewing detail about a specific secure wallet item, clicking on the information copies that detail in your clipboard for other usage. Also, application provides mechanism to hide/display password field for your added security. Web urls opens browser right in the applciation for secure browsing, Lookup list provides access to all of your credentials. Just select tag you would like to insert in lookup list, and paste the actual value in browser field, no typing needed.
In-app purchase is available to Enable Triple Encryption (Strong 256-bit AES and other two randomly selected encryptions combined)
Are you prepared for losing your wallet and other important documents? Do you have all the information for contacting the specific authorities needed in that case on hand? If not, this application is for you. Don't take risks with your vital information, like your social security number, credit cards, bank accounts, passports, driving licenses, insurances, emails, web accounts, and other personal information. You can store your family's information as well. Using this app, you will be able to capture all of that information and lot more electronically at one place secured with your passcode.
You can securely store Contacts as well as photographs. Import contacts from your contact book or create the new one right in the application. Import photographs from your camera roll or snap a picture right from the application. One can create folders and organize photographs in that also. Duplicate secure contact removal as well as merge capability has been provided also.
Text Search works across all categories as well as secure contacts.
One can mark these items as favorites (by clicking star next in the list) for easy access directly from the favorites tab.
Application timeout and access passcode secures application access. Intruder lockout feature keeps your information secured and locks the application. Password field masking hides the password from screen.
Don't worry about the backup file because it is impossible to extract any meaningful personal data from the backup file, so it can be stored in online storage securely, if you prefer to do so.
Textual secure data and contacts (as vCards) can also be emailed to your email address, if you decide to use the information somewhere else. Your address book contacts can also be exported.
An automatic password generator to create strong, secure passwords can help you to keep your all accounts safe. Never reuse the same password in various accounts, use password generator to get new password every time, store it in your Secure Wallet Category and use it.
When you are viewing detail about a specific secure wallet item, clicking on the information copies that detail in your clipboard for other usage. Also, application provides mechanism to hide/display password field for your added security. Web urls opens browser right in the applciation for secure browsing, Lookup list provides access to all of your credentials. Just select tag you would like to insert in lookup list, and paste the actual value in browser field, no typing needed.
In-app purchase is available to Enable Triple Encryption (Strong 256-bit AES and other two randomly selected encryptions combined)
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