TimeRegister icon


T Dalastøl
1.0 out of 5

About TimeRegister

TimeRegister enables you to keep track of your workday by a quick an easy interface.

The time you record is created as events and are saved with the category you choose.
All paid events are added together and displayed for day, week and month.
You can always go back and check an earlier day, week or month and your events may be emailed as a report for a chosen week.
An event is allowed to last for 24 hours and will be split at midnight.

The application is based on an hour being divided in 6 minutes time intervals, hence the clocked time is displayed as decimal numbers. The application uses the users current calendar, and is fixed to Monday being the start of the week. By using the ISO 8601 week date system, week numbers are displayed in Week and Month views.

TimeRegister Screenshots