DanSyno er en lynhurtig dansk synonymordbog med mere end 40.000 synonymer.
Hvis du er træt af at gentage dig selv og skrive det samme ord igen og igen, så brug DanSyno til at finde ord, der betyder det samme eller har samme mening.
Ordbogen ligger på telefonen, så du er ikke afhængig af nogen form for forbindelse til omverdenen. Det betyder at du uden omkostninger f.eks. kan bruge DanSyno på stranden i Ibiza, ved poolen på hotellet i Grand Canaria, på din egen altan eller i S-toget.
DanSyno is a very simple and easy to use Danish thesaurus.
Enter a synonym. Press the search button (the magnifying glass) and DanSyno will quickly search the more than 40.000 registered words to find relevant synonyms.
All synonym results are categorized. This means that you can determine if a synonym is usable by looking at the synonym group (shown in the green header line).
Everything is stored directly on your phone, so no need for any type of connection. In other words - you are free to use the application anywhere - on an Ibiza beach, by the pool in Grand Canarias or on the Moon where no satisfactory mobile coverage is expected in a foreseeable future.
Hvis du er træt af at gentage dig selv og skrive det samme ord igen og igen, så brug DanSyno til at finde ord, der betyder det samme eller har samme mening.
Ordbogen ligger på telefonen, så du er ikke afhængig af nogen form for forbindelse til omverdenen. Det betyder at du uden omkostninger f.eks. kan bruge DanSyno på stranden i Ibiza, ved poolen på hotellet i Grand Canaria, på din egen altan eller i S-toget.
DanSyno is a very simple and easy to use Danish thesaurus.
Enter a synonym. Press the search button (the magnifying glass) and DanSyno will quickly search the more than 40.000 registered words to find relevant synonyms.
All synonym results are categorized. This means that you can determine if a synonym is usable by looking at the synonym group (shown in the green header line).
Everything is stored directly on your phone, so no need for any type of connection. In other words - you are free to use the application anywhere - on an Ibiza beach, by the pool in Grand Canarias or on the Moon where no satisfactory mobile coverage is expected in a foreseeable future.
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