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NN Clock

JHN Consult
3.7 out of 5

About NN Clock

The No Nonsense Alarm Clock was made to be simple and easy to use, yet powerful and flexible. What is does, it does good:

"Perfect minimal analog clock
I'm a huge fan of analog clocks with good alarms for iPhone and this one is in my top 5. I currently have 23 ( just counted) and many aren't clean, simple and just good, this is a keeper.

"Awesomely Simplistic
This app has an elegant watch interface and simply and dependably does what it's supposed to. More wake-up tones would be welcome, but adding to this app might defeat its appeal. Highly recommended! ... The longer I have had this app, the better it gets. Very intuitive and increasingly feature-rich I have discovered."

"KISS Approach - it just works
Well, this application is such a find. It keeps everything at the most basic level and in doing so it is pure genius. Couldn't ask for anything more even though it is so "less" than what the other apps try to promise"

"Simple, works, looks great.
I'm embarrassed to say how much I've spent buying alarm clock apps. This is by far the best one, and it is free. It just works. Looks great, easy to set the alarm or multiple alarms. Enormous snooze button. Very well done!"

Key features:
- Set an alarm by simply moving the alarm hand
- Choose between 3 alarms and alarm-off by swiping the alarm window
- Start a timer/countdown by turning the ring
- Change background images (new)
- Register sleep in HealthKit

When the alarm goes off you don't have to choose between two buttons - there is only one: Snooze.

The alarm sound can be chosen from 8 different build-in alarms, which all work even when the app is in the background or the device is suspended. When the app is in the foreground it can play any song you select from your Music library - slowly fading in if you choose.

The brightness of the screen is easily adjusted by sliding two fingers up or down the main view. The Alarm Clock looks great on your night stand.

NN Clock Screenshots