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Animal Help Now

Animal Watch
4.8 out of 5

About Animal Help Now

Animal Help Now directs anyone in the UNITED STATES who encounters a WILDLIFE EMERGENCY to the closest, most appropriate help, 24/7. Use it for orphaned or injured wildlife, stranded marine animals, etc. Provides immediate access anywhere in the United States to wildlife rehabilitators, rescues, and hotlines, as well as veterinarians who treat wildlife.

Animal Help Now now also directs anyone in the U.S. who is experiencing a WILDLIFE CONFLICT to the closest, most appropriate help. AHNow quickly and easily connects you with humane wildlife consultants and operators so that you can find cruelty-free assistance for "nuisance" wildlife, including pigeons in your attic, skunks under your porch, and the like.

Animal Help Now also provides guidance on how to handle a DOMESTIC ANIMAL EMERGENCY (lost cat, neglected dog, starved horses, etc.).

The service's Resources page provides additional information, including preparing for and responding to disasters.

Animal Help Now empowers you to help injured and distressed wildlife anywhere in the country.

Geographic Area: U.S.A.

Animal Help Now Screenshots