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Next Dollar Up

Limited Cue LLC
4.5 out of 5

About Next Dollar Up

This app is a great way to teach practical money skills. It is a great price for educators and parents.

Selected as Finalist in 2013 Readers' Choice Award for Favorite Special Needs App

Featured by Special Education Advisor
Featured by Special Needs Resource Magazine
Featured by Autism Plugged In

Next Dollar Up is a widely utilized special education teaching strategy for those with special needs to develop independence in money management using a whole dollar amount concept. It involves looking at an item price and rounding up to the next dollar to make the purchase.

Based on customer feedback, Next Dollar Up has been taken to the next level to include more challenging settings for dollar amounts up to $50 and an option for utilizing an Alternate Currency which includes a $1 gold coin.

Now it is available as an App on the iPad as well as iPhone/iPod Touch!!

Teachers, parents, and learners will appreciate the simplicity and fun of this game in a real life scenario designed to build skill generalization.

-Simply click the play button to hear the cashier’s prompt for the dollar amount needed to purchase the item on the game card.
-Drag the correct amount of bills from the money stack to the payment area to achieve the ‘Next Dollar Up’. When completed, click the check button.
-If correct, the user will be congratulated with a highlighted star along the top as a positive reinforcer. If incorrect, a large X will indicate the incorrect answer has been chosen.
-The game card will flip over momentarily as a correction procedure, allowing the user to review the correct answer.
-User will be given the opportunity to swipe the correct number of bills before moving on to the next card.
-10 correct answers wins the game.
-94 game cards in all. Setting option allows for following dollar amount levels to be tested in any combination: $0-5, $5-10, $10-20, $20-50
-Setting option for ALT currency to more closely resemble currency other than US. Includes $1 coin rather than bill.

Next Dollar Up eliminates the need to count change and guarantees that a person will never be overcharged more than 99¢.

Various learning styles are addressed simultaneously. Nonreaders can enjoy Next Dollar Up as well due to the illustrative game cards and voice prompts.

Simplicity and consistency are at the forefront of design, with the intention that the user not become lost in its functions but rather receive the maximum educational value possible.

Data collection for educators and parents is simplified with ten trials per session.

Next Dollar Up Short Term Objective: Users will count $0.01 to $50.00 using one, five, ten, and twenty dollar bills.
Next Dollar Up Long Term Goal: User will gain the confidence to use money in the community to purchase items of up to $50.00.

***Download Next Dollar Up today because your students will enjoy the challenge.***

"If your child is struggling with the basics of money management this app is for you!!!" -Special Education Advisor

"It is a wonderful tool that assists students with learning Math money skills." -Special Needs Resource Magazine

Been looking for this one!
I've been waiting for this app for quite a while. Thank you for addressing this huge need in life skills programs. Love the way you have it set up.

Next Dollar Up Screenshots

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